Can I be a Blogger with No Niche?

Can you be a Successful Blogger without a Niche?

Yes, you can & I am going to tell you how!

When I first got started with blogging, I did not do any real market research. I said that I would be creating content for young pregnant women and first time moms. I talked about co parenting, toddler activities, breastfeeding tips, and a bunch of other random mom stuff.

While I did get some consistent page views and a bit of a following, the blog posts I was creating were too broad for anyone to stumble across my site and fall in love. The content was all over the place and it meant that people didn’t know what they could expect from me.

Then, I started getting questions about how I even got started with blogging in the first place. People were commenting on my socials and sending dms for blogging advice and tips. Hence, the evolution of my current niche.

Did I need to niche down in order to see success? No. Do you need to niche down to see success with your blog? No. Will it help you grow faster and make more money? Yes. You just have to do what is right for you, your timeline, and your goals.

What is a niche?

A niche, is the overall topic your entire blog will be about. When people refer your blog to others, they will say something along the lines of “she makes content about [niche].”

Why do people use niches?

One of the biggest pieces of advice you’ll hear for growing any social platform is to niche down. The reasoning behind this is it will give your audience a clear understanding of what they can expect from you, so they’ll come to you for that specific content. This results in your credibility increasing and you gaining authority with your demographic.

For instance, say you decide to use vegan dishes for large families as your niche. If you start creating content for meat lovers, your audience is going to be confused. They don’t want that kind of content, so this will negatively impact your stats and harm your credibility in the vegan world.

Please note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you choose to make a purchase through one of my links at no extra cost to you. 

Best Tips for Finding Your Target Audience as a Blogger

Here’s how to be successful without niching down

There are two routes you can go when it comes to building a successful blog without niching down.

In addition to giving you the best routes you can go, I’m even going to provide you with a full map! Read each section thoroughly to get the best marketing strategies for you!

Focus on a target audience instead – Influencer Route

Ultimately, you are going to have to nurture a community in some way. If you do not want to do that by creating content around a topic, you’ll have to do it by creating content for a specific persona.

Develop a marketing persona by asking yourself the following questions about your ideal reader:

  • What’s their gender?
  • How old are they?
  • Where do they work?
  • How much money do they make?
  • What are their biggest pain points?
  • How can you help them? (What’s your value offering?)
  • What is a product/service you can offer that they would be willing to pay $$$ for?

Once you are able to answer all of these questions and you are satisfied that you can attract and retain the persona you’ve developed with your blog, all that’s left to do is prove it. Start your blog. Talk to your audience and make them fall in love with you as a person. Give as much spunk and personality as you want, because you’re going to need it for real success on this route.

Marketing as an influencer

If you choose the influencer route, I recommend using social media to promote your blog. Create short form video content and grow a following on two platforms that you are comfortable with. Build a genuine and engaged audience. Once they fall in love with you as a person, they will read your blog just because you made it. Now you’ve got continuous traffic coming in, and revenue as a result.

How to do Marke

Create searchable high value content – SEO Route

This strategy is not as highly recommended because it will force you to rely on the search engine optimization being top notch on every single blog post you publish. People typically won’t return to your blog for more content because you’ve answered their one question, and they’re spending the rest of their search on someone else’s site.

Taking this route will also make it hard to land sponsor deals, but you will still be able to monetize through ads and affiliate links.

Marketing with SEO

If you choose the SEO route, I recommend using pinterest to promote your blog. You’ll never have to show your face if you truly don’t want to and pinterest is great for bringing in web traffic.

All in All

Can you make a living with a no niche blog? Yes. Is it easy? Not really. Is it worth it? Maybe.

If you’re still unsure about whether or not you want a niche for your mom blog, check out this post here for some more guidance.

You can also check out my instagram account for more lifestyle content surrounding what it’s like being a blogger and stay at home mom.

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