Mistakes that New Bloggers Make

Mistakes Mommy Bloggers Make When Launching Their Website on Their Own

58% of bloggers who try to do it completely on their own fail or get sued.

Blogging is a great side hustle for moms! It’s a creative outlet for those who don’t have that in their everyday life. Plus, it is a great way to make money if you are strategic about it.

What is a mommy blog?

A mommy blog is a blog made by moms for moms to help them solve a specific problem. If you are stuck on which topics are best for you to focus on, you can check out this article here with several mom blog niche ideas.

Please note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you choose to make a purchase through one of my links at no extra cost to you. 

Profitable Niche Ideas for Mom Blogs

Why do most mommy blogs fail before the two year mark?

Getting started with anything new can be intimidating. The idea of spending hundreds of dollars on a course and then dozens of hours taking the course can seem a bit redundant. Especially when it feels like something that you should be able to figure out on your own with some trial and error.

However, there are tons of legalities that come with owning a business like a blog that most people don’t know of. There are also technical tricks that you may just not figure out if you approach it without an experienced coach.

Don’t get me wrong, thousands of people launch successful blogs on their own all the time. But chances are, they’ve got the financial cushion to take their time making mistakes, or legal and coding knowledge, or all of the above.

If you are looking to skip all of the mistakes and go straight into building a profitable blog with a niche you’re passionate about, keep reading because I’m dropping gems.

7 Reasons Your Mom Blog Could Fail Without a Coach or Course to Help You

You don’t know the legal requirements of blogs

A monetized blog is a business. There are legal requirements that comes with any business. You can find out more about the legal requirements of having a blog here.

You don’t know who your audience is

When you’re talking to everyone, you’re really talking to no one! Figure out exactly who you want to serve with your blog and things will be way easier. Learn more about finding your target audience here.

You haven’t defined your goals

If you don’t set any goals with your blog, then you’ll just be going with the flow. The problem with that is it can stifle your growth. If you know you want to reach 10,000 page views within 6 months of your blog’s launch, then you will be motivated to promote as much as possible until you hit that goal. However, if you’re just sharing a blog post here and writing an article there, you’ll be holding back your blogs full potential.

When I announced my blog I had the goal of getting my first 50,000 page views within a year. At that time I had about 15 articles published in various mom related niches. After a much needed site eval, my new goals are having at least 50 articles in my established niche posted by my new 6 month mark, having 100,000 page views within the year, coach at least 3 moms to monetization level, and launch my Monetizing Motherhood Through Blogging ebook.

Since my goals are way more defined now, I was able to use them to come up with a very specific plan with actionable goals and set business milestones for my brand.

How to start a Mom Blog Cover with the table of contents and pages from the book
I set my goals, focused on them, and accomplished them. You can purchase my ebook by clicking on the photo.

You’re not writing with a purpose

Before writing every blog post you should have a meaning behind it. I hate to break it to ya, but no one cares about your life story. People want to be getting actual value from reading your content, and if not they’ll get bored and click off.

This isn’t like school when you had to write papers for a grade. It’s a whole different set of rules when you’re writing for an online audience. Each post should be helping someone solve a problem or reaching a goal, otherwise it’s just wasting space on your website.

You’re trying to do everything all at once

Say this with me. “I am only human. I do not have to be superwoman in order to reach my goals.”

Trust me, I understand the push and pull of getting tons of conflicting information online. This blogger said she got 50,000 page views in a month using this strategy. That blogger tripled her traffic in 3 weeks using that method. Then you end up spreading yourself too thin trying to do it all.

There are a gazillion and one ways to promote your blog. You cannot do them all. You especially cannot do them alone. If you have it in your budget, it may be worth it to outsource some help for marketing your blog.

If you are like most of my readers and that doesn’t fit you at all, stick to one or two marketing platforms that you’re comfortable with.

Ultimately, just pick a growth strategy and stick with it. Everyone’s shoes won’t fit your feet, don’t try to make it.

How to come up with Blog Post Ideas

You’re not strategic about monetization

Tons of bloggers get started and think ads are the only way they can get paid. This is far from true. Affiliate marketing is huge right now and there’s a piece of the pie for everyone. Once you have an established audience, you can also get brand deals and negotiate your rates based on monthly page views.

As a blogger you can also sell products, services, or a membership for additional income.

I get it, nobody wants to sound salesy, but that’s why it’s so important to pack your content with as much value as possible. Your free content should be so good that people WANT to buy your paid content!

You refuse to invest in yourself

One of the most common mistakes new bloggers make is having the mindset of not investing money until they’re making money. Trust me, my sons father and I had broken up when I was only 3 months postpartum. This left me in my parents house, broke with a newborn.

That leap of faith can be terrifying! I trusted myself enough to invest in a blogging course, which lead me to the path of launching this amazing blog you’re reading right now! The investment saved me so much time and I am so grateful that I believed in myself enough to use to take the risk.

If you start to treat your blog like the business you see it being in 3 years, it will incentivise you to make the strategic investments needed to get there!

You can check out my Monetizing Motherhood Through Blogging ebook if you’re on a budget and wanting to go at a slow and steady pace or you can secure my coaching services and be monetized after 6 weeks here.


All in all, learn the legalities behind blogging, determine who your target audience is, define your goals, write with a purpose, hire an assistant when you can afford it, be strategic about monetization, and invest in yourself.

If this article helped you, check out Can you be a Successful Blogger without a Niche?

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