Hey mamas, I’m Nathania and I help moms build then maintain their businesses.

Photo by Ariana Hinton

The purpose of this blog is to help moms achieve and maintain financial independence through blogging, social media and other aspects of interneting for a living.

I spent 6 years after high school furthering my education in early childhood development. At the very beginning of my final year, I found out I was pregnant by my high school sweetheart. At the time I thought this was someone that I would share the rest of my life with, but things did not work out that way. Now, my son is almost 2 years old and boy, oh boy! This sure has been a helluva journey!

Here are some fun facts about me. Do we have anything in common?

1. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.

2. I am named after my father – not Nathaniel, no.

3. I am a virgo and everything that comes with it. Any astrology lovers reading this? Leave a comment, I love us.

4. I left my career in childcare due to health reasons.

5. I love farming in the sims, but hate farms in real life.

6. I never learned how to ride a bike.

7. I stop being productive – like my brain straight up says “girl NO.” – at about 10pm every night. Any morning birds reading this?

8. I absolutely love being a mother, and helping other moms rock motherhood.

9. I graduated from a Historically Black College/University (DSU) – FEAR THE SWARM!!!

10. I have rewatched Charmed (The Alyssa Milano, Holly Marie Combs one… Not the netflix remake) at least 12 times. And I’ll absolutely do it again.
