How to Grow Your Email List as a Mommy Blogger

How to start your email list as a new blogger

Increase your monthly page views and bring readers back for more every single week!

When I first starting blogging, I knew that I would incorporate an email list right away. The blogging course I took helped me to set up my convertkit account and create my first freebie landing page, but it completely flopped.

Confused and overwhelmed with my lack of email sign ups, I decided to change up my strategy. After implementing some trial and error, market research, and even investing in a few email marketing courses I am going to share what I’ve learned so you can grow your email list as a new blogger for free.

What is an email list?

An email list is a list of people that you market your business directly to, via email.

Do you need an email list as a blogger?

Technically, no.

But, yes. You need an email list to maximize your reach and your revenue.

You can build connections with your subscribers in a way that you may not be able to do on social media. It can be as intimate and exclusive as you want. You can also segment your lists and filter what you share with each subscriber based on their interests.

Email lists also allow you some insight on who your readers really are. You get access to stats on what freebies they opted in from, which subject lines work best, which incentives result in the most clicks and what offers are truly irresistible. Sometimes if you ask them a question they’ll even respond with direct feedback and content ideas.

Once you have real insight on the unique pain points of your specific readers, then you’ll be able to best provide solutions, resulting in higher conversions and more loyal subscribers.

For example, you may have come across mamadigitals in order to discover:

Those are questions people ask that lead them onto my site and on my email list. If my blog and ebook help them achieve their goals, they will become loyal subscribers that continue coming back for more help.

It’s also important to note that your email list belongs to you. There is no algorithm in play deciding whether or not you get pushed out to the right people. There also wouldn’t be the fear of a platform shadowbanning or removing your profile along with an entire income stream.

The platform I use to manage my email list is convertkit. I love it because of its visual automations feature that allows me to build an email sales funnel right in the platform. This way I can see the exact process subscribers go through and how effective each step is, in generating sales.

Paying for an email marketing platform can be pricey, but it’s also worth it. When implemented correctly, your email list can generate more than half of your income. Imagine the repercussions of never creating a list. You’re missing out on so much revenue!

How you can start your email list

First things first, make a convertkit account.

Then you’ll want to click on grow and choose landing pages & forms.

Below the graph, on the right hand side, you should see a create new button. Click it.

I recommend creating a form so you can embed them directly on your website.

You can choose any of the formats you want, depending on your preference, but for the purpose of this blog post, we’ll go with modal.

Choose your template.

Design your form then click the settings tab in the top right hand corner.

Choose the settings that best fit your needs. This is how I have mine set. Once you’re done, move from general to incentive.

This is what my incentive email looks like. Feel free to edit yours however best aligns with your business.

After editing your confirmation email, you’ll want to go to advanced and decide whether or not you want to continue showing your form to readers who have already subscribed to you. Personally, I continue to show the forms. From my own experience I have wanted to change the emails I’m subscribed to someone’s list on, and I figure others may have the same idea so I leave it open to all.

Once all that is done, you’ll want to save and publish your form.

From there you can follow the instructions under embed the form to wordpress.

My failed opt ins

Secret list

With the blog course that I used to launch mama digitals, their recommendation was to create a blog post with top secret tips for my audience. At the launch of my blog, my tagline was everything motherhood, so I wrote Top 7 Secrets to Be The Best Possible Parent and made it my lead magnet.

This list did terribly. I barely got anyone to even acknowledge the pop-up. Why would people take my parenting advice? I was the first-time mom to a barely 1-year-old.

Daily Planner

After crying over my secret list capturing a total of 4 emails in two months, I switched over to using the daily planner from one of my Etsy shops as my new freebie.

Again, it flopped. It just wasn’t something my readers felt was important enough at the time to give up their email and go through a whole subscription process. Especially since it’s something you can just google and print.

My successful opt ins!

At this point, I was about 6 months into my blogging journey with a total of 35 email subscribers. Most had come over from Instagram and TikTok.

This was around when I started making decent income from affiliate marketing and reworking my niche altogether.

Facebook Group

In the first 2 weeks of launching, my Mama Digitals to Mama Monetized Facebook group brought my list up to 100 mamas looking for guidance on monetizing their motherhood online. The group was a spontaneous decision after going down a youtube rabbit hole, but I was so glad I created it.

Keep in mind that running this group is a lot of work and not worth being an initial marketing tactic! Do this when you already have an established audience.

Blogging Starter Guide Checklist

The second successful opt-in that I created was this blogging starter guide checklist. I added this checklist to my blogging for beginners-themed posts and it was my first successful opt-in form!

Find your Target Audience Workbook

To date, my most successful freebie has been my Find Your Target Audience Workbook. This was something I created for my own marketing strategy and decided to share because it became so valuable. Obviously it was a good choice, because y’all absolutely love it.

Short form video content

I started talking to other moms on my TikTok account about my journey as a virtual assistant and how I got started with blogging and selling digital products. I was getting asked tons of questions, so I started making videos replying to their comments. As a call to action, I would tell interested moms to join my email newsletter. This is how I’ve gotten the majority of emails on my list.

These videos performed so well that I created a dedicated account just for mamas who are interested in blogging tips.

Newsletter opt in

In the footer of my site, I have a newsletter opt-in form. This allows readers to always join my newsletter and get weekly updates about everything new with mamadigitals. This brings me about 8-10 new email subscribers every month.

Opt in Examples

  1. List of tips
  2. How to video
  3. Coupon codes
  4. Short ebook
  5. Checklist
  6. Spreadsheets
  7. Cheat sheet
  8. Free stock images
  9. Calendar challenge
  10. Weekly Planner
  11. Printables
  12. Prompts

What do you send to your email subscribers

  1. A welcome series
  2. An email course
  3. Sales and promotions for your products/courses
  4. Upsells after a purchase
  5. Tools and softwares you use in your niche
  6. Repurpose an old blog post
  7. Share a recent win
  8. Your newest blog post
  9. Weekly tips
  10. Shoutout a supporter
  11. Survey or just a personal email with a few questions
  12. Run a giveaway
  13. Promote events/lives/other content outside your blog

When do you start sending emails to your subscribers

You can start sending emails to your subscribers as soon as you collect them. You can create something called a welcome sequence, giving people an introduction to your list and offering a sneak peek at what they can expect from it.

How often do you send emails to your subscribers

One of the most important pieces of advice I can give when it comes to email marketing, is do not spam people. Do not send more than 3 emails a week unless you’re running a sale or special promotion.

You also shouldn’t space your emails too far apart either. People will forget about you or trust will be lost if you wait too long to reach out again. It’s an easy way to turn warm leads cold.

Personally, I think the best frequency is once a week. Send out a weekly newsletter updating subscribers on everything new. Share helpful tips and end with a call to action or open-ended question.

Removing subscribers

Your subject lines are very important because low open rates are bad for your credibility, which can lead to your emails being shot straight to spam.

After 90 days of a subscriber not opening your emails, try sending out an email with the subject line “would you still like to receive these emails?” This way, you can keep your list clean and only be marketing to actual readers and customers.

It’s also important to keep your list organized because you pay for subscribers. Paying an extra $20 every month just to send emails to people who will never even open it, sucks.

The key to successful email marketing

As stated earlier, email marketing can double your income if you do it correctly. Here are some steps you can follow to ensure you are maximizing your potential revenue.

Set clear goals with actionable steps

Why are you starting an email list? What are you looking to promote to your audience? How will this bring you revenue? Are you looking to drive traffic to your site for ad views? Do you want higher conversions for your affiliate products? Are you selling your own product or course? Make sure you know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish with your emails. That way, you’re not wasting anyone’s time and throwing away trust by clogging people’s emails.

Get to know your email service provider

Y’all know I love convertkit, but it’s pretty easy to miss great features if you’re unfamiliar with email marketing. Check out some youtube tutorials like this one and get a better understanding of all the platform has to offer.

Create a freebie

People are not going to just join your email list because you have it on your site. There needs to be an incentive. Do some market research and create a couple of freebies to see what resonates most with your audience.

How to create email sequences

Click on send, then sequences.

Then you want to click + New Sequence.

From there, you can choose a template or work from scratch with the text-only option.

Setting up your email funnel

I mentioned before that I love Convertkit because of its visual automation feature.

In order to access it, click automate in the header bar, then select visual automations.

Click the + new automation button on the right hand side.

From there you can build your funnel completely from scratch or use the templates. The point of this feature is to outline the process your email subscribers will go through once joining your list. This keeps things organized and allows you to track effectiveness with each step.


I just gave tons of information, I know. So here’s a simplified graphic you can use to follow along.

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