Your biggest goal is being able to work from home and keep your kids out of daycare...

but finding an online job that you can maintain without burnout has been so hard. 

You saw something online that said you can actually make a full-time income as a blogger...

so you decide to give it a shot.

You've done tons of research on how to make your blog profitable...

but you still aren’t making any money.

Even with all the market research and promotional strategy...

you still aren’t bringing in any traffic.

Your blog is failing, but you aren't ready to give up...

and you shouldn’t have to.

Need some advice on how you can improve your site?

I've got you covered!

Any of this sound familiar?

– you’ve wanted to start a blog forever, but you just don’t know where to start

– you recently quit your job and need your blog to start making you money, yesterday

– you started a blog, but you’re stuck on how to take it to the next level

– you have no idea how to optimize SEO and conduct keyword research

– you’ve been blogging for a while, but you haven’t made a single penny from the dozens of hours invested

Hey! My name is Nathania and I am a stay at home mom and blogger. I developed, designed, optimized, and monetized my own website from scratch as a means to grow an income and raise my son from home. Since then, I have been helping other moms do the same through coaching, and freelance web development. 

I even wrote Monetizing Motherhood Through Blogging as an inexpensive option for moms who just need some help getting started. 

If you are someone who just doesn’t feel confident enough to design an entire website, but wants to skip straight to the blogging part, consider booking a consultation. I’d love to see if we can work together to bring you closer to your goals.  


Picture of a Woman
Nathania was a very wonderful find. She is on her game! She is so focused, clear, warm, thorough, creative, responsive, and knows things I don't. She made it easy for me to plug in my goals and take tangible steps. I can't recommend Nathania enough!

I started out where you are...

I quit my teaching job last year with so much at stake

I was a broke, single mom living with my parents.

I bet on myself and purchased a blogging course…

Blogging became my sanctuary.

Then, it became my income.

Now, I’m using everything that I’ve learned to teach other moms how it can become their income too. 

My first blog wasn't nearly as profitable as this one...

Not because it wasn’t a profitable niche, but because I made so many mistakes…

Don't you want to skip over all of the wasted time and energy?

Can't afford 1:1 coaching?

Trust me, I understand how scary it can be to make such an investment. 

Especially, as a mom. Things come up, there are bigger priorities, etc. 

That’s why I published Monetizing Motherhood Through Blogging, as an affordable alternative for moms who just need some guidance. 

Use the coupon code COACH for 10% off!

A step by step guide on how to plan, launch, and monetize your blog!

The ebook is so helpful and detailed. It is easy to follow along as you set up your blog and get started. I highly recommend this item.
The following image is of the customer whose testimony is being presented.

Need 1:1 support to get your blog up and running?

Mama Digitals offers a six week wordpress blog coaching program!

Over a six week span, you'll get...

  • weekly one-hour video coaching calls
  • a free copy of the Monetizing Motherhood Through Blogging ebook
  • homework designed to fast track your blogging journey (at a reasonably pace for you busy mamas)
  • a better understanding of how to conduct market research and how to best cater to your audience
  • support with web design and branding
  • 50 blog post ideas in your niche
  • what products will sell well in your niche
  • what services you can offer through your site
  • full walk-through on setting up your email list and creating your welcome sequence
  • the best strategies for bringing traffic to your site

1:1 coaching is for you if you...

need to start making money from your blog as soon as possible

want to avoid first-time blogger mistakes

don’t understand plugins or coding and need someone to walk you through it

already started a blog, but have absolutely no idea how you can take it to the next level

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I already have a blog, but I just need help making it profitable?

Regardless of where you are in your blogging journey, this 1:1 coaching opportunity will give you the boost you need to monetize your site.

What's your refund policy?

If you can show that you’ve put in the work and followed my guidance, but still do not make any profit from your blog within 90 days of our agreement expiration, a refund will be issued.

What if my schedule is too busy for calls?

I am a mom too, I get how hectic things can get. However, these 1:1 calls will give you the resources and guidance you need in order to create a better life for your family. If time is a concern, we can chat about the best alternative for your goals. 

If you could support your family by writing about things you already talk about, wouldn't you want to?

Imagine being able to spend more time with your family, while still contributing to the household finances…

You’d be able to travel and work from anywhere in the world…

No more dealing with a pesky boss who doesn’t appreciate you or guilt about a overworked partner…

increase your blogs traffic and income in just 6 weeks!

normal price of the coaching program $1299

Best Value

One time payment of $497

Payment Plan

Two payments of $250

Nathania is amazing! We worked together on many of the things I was struggling with, such as batching content, understanding the monetization differences between youtube and blogging, how to be more comfortable on instagram, sales funnels, and so much more. She was there for me throughout the week if I happened to have a question and is truly so supportive of me on my journey!
Ti'Asha J.

Need 1:1 support to get your blog up and running?

Mama Digitals offers a six week wordpress blog coaching program!